Sunstone Properties Stone of Prosperity
The Sun stone is called the sacred stone of the sun because of its inner glow. The sun stone is actually an orange Labradorite. It is found in Oregon, United States, as well as India, Canada, Norway and Russia. The tiny plate-like inclusion of hematite gives it the shimmer making it look like a fire trapped inside.It comes in at a hardness of 6-6.5 on the MOHS scale.
Sun stone represents the 2nd Sexual/Creative and 3rd Solar plexus Chakra. Element is Fire of course. Said to warm the body increasing the metabolism,digestion and vitality and supporting the endocrine and reproductive systems. Encourages a positive attitude and overcomes self doubt. Inspires responsibility, conviction and aids in prosperity. Sun stone is also great for those in leadership roles to feel confident and have mental clarity. It melts away feelings of unworthiness and helps manifest prosperity.
For a jewelry designer this gemstone is a dream to use. It has so much sparkle that it makes a pair of dangle earrings (pictured above) sing. The shimmer makes a wire wrap pendant necklace come alive. It is hard to resist the pretty peach orange color and the silver sparkle.
Have a blessed day and remember to check out my many other gemstone blogs to find your favorites.
Dawn Rosell
Information gathered from Wikipedia, Rock and gem Smithsonian book, Book of stones